Thursday 3 August 2017

7 Things a Lubricant Does for Your Auto Engine

The engine is a vital part of any automobile; without it, the car would not go anywhere – sort of like a human heart. If it clogs up and stops, so does the person or the car. Worn out auto lubricant oil will lead to a lack of efficiency and sludge build-up within the engine. Think of sludge as being almost like cholesterol inside your car.
Regular replacement of lubricant engine oil is essential for the long-term health and efficient functioning of your car, just like a healthy diet is optimal for humans.
Here are 7 ways that high-quality, regularly replaced lubricant oil will keep your car healthy:
  1. It creates a slippery gap between moving metal parts in the engine and reduces friction, heat and wear.
  2. It coats all of the surfaces within the engine, so even when the motor is not running, it is protected from corrosion.
  3. It disperses the heat that is naturally created by the combustion process within an auto engine.
  4. It absorbs and suspends particulate matter like carbon and transports it to the oil filter so it can be trapped and removed before it causes any major damage.
  5. It neutralizes acids that would otherwise build up in the engine and cause scarring and pitting on smooth, polished surfaces
  6. It prevents the accumulation of sludge. Cheap oils or oil that is way overdue for changing will not only fail to remove sludge and other contaminants, but will begin to break down and actually become sludge.
  7. It stays thin enough to keep mobile in cold weather and thick enough to still coat surfaces in hot weather  - protecting the inside of your engine, no matter what conditions are like on the outside.
Posted by: GREENLube


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